Hot water on constantly
Brain fart. Please delete post
tado devices do not trigger boiler to heat up
I have recently installed a wired smart thermostat (living room) and 3 smart radiator thermostats (all in separate rooms). Aside from that I connected the Internet Bridge to the internet and all devices are paired with it (status: 'Connected'). When I turn up the temperature, either via the app or manually at the device,…
Can Tado turn on water heating via an Alexa voice command or routine?
Can you define an Alexa routine such that if you say thing it can turn the hot water on and off? ie: So if you want a quick 30min heat of the water in your hot water tank you can just fire off an Alexa routine?
Wireless receiver won't connect to thermostat
I can't get this to work. the thermostat and internet bridge connect but not the receiver or thermostat. Can anyone help? Thanks Alex
Cannot setup Apple Homekit
I can’t get my iPhone to recognise my bridge QR code. I’ve tried rebooting both the bridge and phone, but it just won’t work. I’ve also tried entering manually but that doesn’t work either. Any suggestions?
Change my bridge
Hi I’ve just bought an upgrade to my system so I can now control the hot water not just the heating. How do I use the new bridge as when I try to add it all it says it that it’s already registered!! How is that possible as it’s brand new. I’ve also unplugged my old bridge and then plugged new one in but still no joy Help
Tado TRV's repeatedly going offline
Since having an extension and thus making my house bigger I am having a big problem with a number of Tado TRV's going offline. From what I can see Tado don't offer a booster / range extender is that correct?
Which adapter does this radiator need?
I've been setting up the Tado system today including receiver, it all seems to work so far except for this radiator in the bathroom: Instead of a small pin it's got a pretty big one, some of the bits that come with Tado seem to be able to handle this but I can't figure it out just by looking at them. The Tado valve fits in…
Receiver relay keeps calling for heat
Hi everyone I have no Internet at the property I'm working at so understand my tado thermostat and receiver won't communicate but I have an issue in that the heating relay in the receiver keeps calling for heat 2 mins after switching system on?
Multiple Room stats variable temp demands what kit do I need
I hope you guys can help me with this. Scenario Room 1 TRV set to 23 deg Room 2 (hall) trv set to 19 Deg Room 3 Lounge trv set to 22 deg How many room stats and what kit would I need?
Wireless thermostat schedules and smart radiator thermostats
I have a V3 wireless theremostat in my hall set up on a twice daily schedule. The stat is currently set to 18 degrees. I also have two smart radiator thermostats. How do I set up the smart thermostats on the radiators if I want the room temperature greater oir lower than that in the hall? As the heating is controlled with…
Ideal Vogue C32 with wired thermostat in OpenTherm mode
Hi, I've recently switched to an OpenTherm setup from my wired Tado thermostat into an Ideal Vogue C32 combi boiler. Despite some issues with Early Start (I might post separately on that one), it seems to be working OK. However, I've setup some temperature monitoring on my CH flow pipe and have noticed something strange.…
Vaillant Ecotec Pro with eBus and weather-compensated control
I was reading the manuals for the boiler and wanted to double check If I can use a Tado with eBUS connection rather than RT which is simply on and off. I have Hive at the moment I would only change if I can use ebus connection. Can I use both ebus and outside sensor together? I think the problem with Tado they now have…
How can I change the temperature of my boiler??
Hello, i am having trouble using tado. I have underfloor heating and I installed tado with OT, the problem : when tado starts the boiler, it goes up to 60 °C. How can I use tado on OT without my boiler going more than 50 °C?
Tado at wrong address
I recently updated some info on a Tado request and my heating is no longer working. I checked my settings and the address had changed to a house a few doors down. I changed the address back to my own but the heating is still not working. How can I resolve this issue???
Looking to buy a portable AC which works with Tado!
Hi all looking to buy this year a portable AC unit to use with Tado’s AC device. Any recommendation on a good affordable unit £300 to £400? Just interested in peoples experiences. I need it for a medium size bedroom!
De Dietrich ACG compatibility
I recently moved (twice) having Vaillant two times as a heating system and making me very happy with the Tado system in combination system! With our last move, the home has a De Dietrich heating system installed. I didin't know it, but heard from different people it's an awesome system. But I cannot find whether it is…
Condominium heating system compatibility - Tado°
hi everybody, I am renovating an apartment with a centralized heating system on the floor (1 inlet pipe, 1 outlet pipe) at a high temperature with radiators (about 50°C). I discussed with various plumbers the possibility of installing a simple smart system but the plumbers did not show proactive always pushing for a…
Android App keeps reverting to 'sign-on' screen!
Sorry if missed this one if raised previously but new to me. Keep having to sign on after quite a short period and the app even had the temerity to revert to sign-on in the middle of a short session. Good good it's not the middle of winter! Any ideas please?
TRV not controlling boiler.
Hi All Am experiencing an issue with one of my TRV's where when i manually override the schedule via the app to switch on just the Rad it is connected to it will not switch the boiler on. Everything else seems fine , shows good connection in app, blink to identify works fine and it even seems to be switching off / on as…
Smart Radiator Thermostat not mounting
Guys, I've been in touch with Tado about the following and they've advised me of the adaptor I need to use, but nothing seems to be working and Tado are no longer replying to my messages. Can anyone please advise what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to get the thing working please? This is my radiator valve: And this…
Scheduled call for heat/boost a room
Lots of us want to be able to have times when the room is either independent or can call for heat to boost an odd room. Most have noticed when allowed to call for heat sometimes radiators aren't turning on as high as when they're independent. I want the lounge warm for later in the day. If I leave it independent then it's…
2nd heating zone.
I currently have a combination boiler with 2 heating zones that work fine with 2 wireless programmable room stats. with 2 x 2 port zone valves. Can I use the HOT water mode to control the 2nd heating circuit as I will not be using it to control hot water.
Load compensation + weather compensation together - does it save money ?
Hello! I am curious about experiences in comparing the system with Tado thermostat connected to the boiler via OpenTherm and: Case 1: Smart TRVs installed Case 2: Dumb TRVs installed It can be read in some places that using weather + load compensation together may not be effective because: When you do whether compensation…
Using Neometris thermostat wiring
I am hoping someone can help me. I have purchased Tado V3+ to replace my existing wireless thermostat - Neometris. I am hoping I could just use the existing wiring however I cannot work out which wires go to which port in the tado receiver. In the Neometris I have 2 blue wires going to N and 2 brown wires going to L which…
App not showing correct schedule on home page
Just wondering is anyone else tado not following schedule? I have tado and all my radiator setup. However my schedule is set up to be on for 2 hour at 19c at 6 to 8am then drop to 17c until night. It should be set to 19c at moment but all my room are saying current schedule is 15.7c Has something changed with tado is it…
27 degrees in winter. Heating won't turn off!
We have 2 bedrooms with Smart Radiator TRVs and the Wiresless reciever+Wireless thermostat connected directly to our Zone Valve+UFH downstairs. Everything was working fine a little while ago but now the upstairs TRVs are switching on the UFH and heating the downstairs uncontrollably. The Wireless thermostat downstairs will…
Using Neometris wireless thermostat wires
I am hoping someone can help me. I have purchased Tado V3+ to replace my existing wireless thermostat - Neometris. I am hoping I could just use the existing wiring however I cannot work out which wires go to which port in the tado receiver. In the Neometris I have 2 blue wires going to N and 2 brown wires going to L which…
Bridge - reboot from a PC on the local network
I have an issue with my bridge. When we have a power out, which happens 5/6 times a month, the bridge powers up before my internet re-connects. The bridge then fails to connect to the internet. A reboot of the bridge with a good internet connection fixes the issue. But that is no good if I am away from home. if I know the…
Some valves have started “whistling”
A few of my TADO valves have started whistling. I’m pretty sure the issue is that the valve isn’t 100% closed and the sound is cause by water rushing though the slightly open valve. We have had the valves for about a year and a bit so it’s not a installation issue (they didn’t whistle before). I have tried recalibrating…