The end of IOS 15 Support
Message from tado°: Hello all, The end of support of older iOS versions, as described below, was made with considerations linked to Matter/Thread protocols linked with tado° X To begin, iOS 16.4 is required by Apple for some significant improvements to Matter. (16.1 is the minimum requirement for Matter). Moreover, 16.4 is…
What’s the deal with feature requests?
Hello community, Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about how / whether tado° includes community feature requests in its product development process. Here’s a quick overview of how your feature requests reach tado°’s decision makers. (Please note that ‘feature requests’ refer to posts made in the…
December 2024/ January 2025: Community Fibre / Linksys Router Blocking App
Hi, thermostat has been working flawlessly for 2 years+ but now I can't access the app when on local network. I can connect via 4g on phone or local WiFi with VPN. I'm using Synology router where I've made no resent changes. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
Netiquette and forum rules
Dear Forum Community, This forum was created to help users solve their problems, questions, and to make the most out of their tado°. We want to keep the atmosphere constructive, so we ask that you follow these basic rules. We look forward to interesting comments, conversations, and discussions. To make sure that everyone…
Please search for your request before opening a new thread.
Dear Community Members, This part of the forum is intended to help us track the features that you, our customers, are interested in. We understand that you, as members of our forum, tend to represent more experienced users, often with in-depth knowledge of not only tado°, but similar products and services as well. We feel…
Enable Offline Schedule
I have a system of 7 TRVs and 2 wireless sensors built up over several years. None of the TRVs are V3+, 2 of the rooms have 2 radiators with the secondary radiators having the cheaper basic TRVs. To enable offline schedules in the I have to replace the valves that measure temperature and call for heat, but will the…
All Tado X devices disconnected
Hi all, I upgraded from a Google Nest thermostat to a Tado X earlier in December and since the change I kind of had to battle with this system in a way or the other and I see in the forum I'm not the only (not sure if this is actually comforting). Anyway, after buying the second Bridge X I managed to have all the TRVs…
Tado X - Which Starter Kit and Wired or Wireless Room Stat
I’m planning on installing a Tado X system on my home. The present system is based on an Intergas Compact HRE 24OV gas boiler with conventional programmer and wired room stat (which happens to be in a useless position in a 1m x 1m central hallway, but more of that later). Hot water is supplied via the boiler into a…
Can't get any hot water if Tado is calling for radiator heat
I've got a Worcester Greenstar Heatslave combi boiler with a wired Tado v3+ thermostat connected via digital (EMS) bus (setting D17). Hot water is permanently ON in Tado, 24 hours a day, and set to max (65°C). I've noticed that when Tado is running the central heating (i.e. when a room thermostat calls for heat), my boiler…
Slider sensitivity
Am I the only one having difficulties setting a precise temperature with the slider in a room screen? In particular when releasing my finger from the screen most of the time the temperature cursor will further move by half a degree! Bref, i'd enjoy a more precise slider ;-)
Tado x devices added to google home but wont work with voice commands.
Hi Just installed wired tado x thermostat and 6 tado x trv I have successfully added all items ms to google home and can control via google home app. I am also able to ask google home for humidity and temperature values of all devices but i am not able to change temperature via google assistant. Whenever I ask to set a…
Returning tado X thermostats?
Spent three days on and off squatting on the floor trying to get these things to work. In the end I got one to work in the kitchen, where the Apple Homepod sits. Q1: I put it in the Home app and then found you’re restricted to be it being on for only 4 hrs at a time - no proper scheduling with different temperatures.…
Do I need the tado app if using Apple Hompod?
Mesh nodes, good wifi, apple homepod - but cannot get tado X to connect in other rooms. Work when I’m next to them with my phone, but am I confusing them by having the tado app on my phone? Do I need it with apple Home app?
HomeAssistant - Tado > Local Control
Hi all! Anyone been successful in setting up the Tado devices on Home Assistant locally? No reliance on cloud? If so, please share how you did! Thanks!
QR Code generator
Hi, I have kids and the QR code stickers on the thermostatic heads won't last much (I'm already using the kid protection). Is there a way to regenerate QR code from the device number ? I have added many heads and I now save all the remaining stickers carefully, but what about the ones already lost. I would like a smooth…
Add NOK as a currency
Whilst GBP and Euro cover most countries, add NOK would cover Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Tado is available for sale in these countries.
How can I set the tariff unit rate in Energy IQ
I attempted to set this today and was unable to do so. I changed the unit to £/kWh and given my rate is 6.25 pence per kWh i tried to enter 0.0625 but the app would not accept this, turning the field red and disabling the "Save" button. In fact it would not accept anything but whole numbers which equated to Pounds per…
Geofencing Switch - tado X
To ignore geofencing in a timeblock on the smart schedule. Keep set rooms active when geofencing is triggered
2 V3+ thermostats connected to te same bridge
I have two TADO V3+ thermostats connected to two different systems, each with its own boiler. Can I use a single Internet Bridge to connect both to the network? Then, I will manage them with two different accounts in the application.
Worksheet Logging of QR Codes
Hi All, I don't know if this has already been done / provided by someone else, but, whilst building my TADO system and waiting for everything to arrive (thank you eBay), I started worrying about missing/damaged QR Codes. So, I built a google worksheet that can be used to store the QR code data, and provide the QR code when…
Devices missing from Tado Skill in Alexa
I have the Tado skill in Alexa working but it is missing some devices. I've tried disabling and re-enabling the skill but it's still missing the devices. Any idea how to get them added?
trying to fit replacement wireless receiver old one stick in on position
Hi any one know who to replace wireless receiver fitted new one bur cant get it to talk to room stat
Heating advance
Hi, This is an old idea that hasn't occurred to Tado as yet. My old school heating controllers have always included a Heating Advance Button. It's a simple idea - if you have a day that starts a bit earlier than usual, you just advance the whole heating programme with a single click, or turn of a knob. The next programmed…
Resume scheduling
Hi if I turn off the heating is there anyway to resume the heating at the next schedule rather than manually doing it
Switch off schedule for individual rooms . . .
The current schedule system provides a "switch off all rooms" feature. This is useful but it would be even better if rooms could be switched off individually. At the moment the only way to remove a room from the schedule, without resorting to "switch off all rooms" is to go to each room's schedule and switch off the…
Multi-zone S-plan setup using Vaillant eBus...
Hi all! I am successfully running an S-plan set up using 'basic' 230V relay switching, and am really struggling to see if/how I can utilise the (more efficient) eBUS. I've tried Tado help and searching the forum but am a bit lost - can any experienced users help me? Current setup (all working nicely with 'basic' 230V relay…
Thinking about a Tado system, questions
Hi, first post, please be gentle :) I'm looking to install a Tado V3+ system (probably) to give better control over the heating in our home, as currently we only have a simple timer/programmer, not even a thermostat for the main part of the house. The heating systems we have are: 1 - Viessman combi boiler, about 11 years…
Intermittent Connection Issues with Tado X Thermostats - Apple TV Border Router
Setup Details: 3 Tado X Thermostats 4 Tado X Radiator Thermostats 2 Apple TVs acting as Thread border routers Issue Description: Initial Connection Problems: Despite successful initial setup, thermostats show as "disconnected" in the app Temporary fix achieved through factory reset and reconnection process Ongoing…
Set a Minimum Central Heating Flow Temperature (OpenTherm)
Hi, The main purpose of this post is to try and gain an understanding of whether setting a minimum central heating flow temperature is a feature that other users of this forum would value and like to be developed by Tado as part of their algorithms. Are there any other users out there that have abandoned using the…
replacing wireless receiver
Hi have Tado wireless receiver sometimes ( quit a lot ) the relays keep sticking in on position the light go's out but heating continues to operate, if I tap the receiver it will shut down I got a new receiver but can't seem to link with wireless thermostat it do's link to bridge any idea what I am doing wrong
V3+ users can now request Offline Schedule
Dear community, We are happy to announce that, as part of our ongoing tiered rollout, the V3+ Offline Smart Schedule is being made available to interested tado° users via the community forum. Due to compatibility considerations, this offer is only available to community members with V3+ heating starter kits or add-on…
Underfloor heating with Wired Smart Thermostat
I recently installed a Tado V3+ Wired Smart Thermostat (amongst other things) to control the wet underfloor heating in our dining kitchen extension. The UFH is on it's own zone valve, separate from the radiators in the main part of the house. The issue I find is, Tado seems to wait until the temperature in the room has…
Moved: Tado X verbinden met Nefit ProLine HRC 24 CW3
This discussion has been moved.
Preservation Summer mode
Hi. I have multiple tado X heads on my radiators, with a opentherm module in my boiler, with a wireless X receiver, and considering that summer is near, would be nice have a dedicated mode for that season. To prevent problems with radiators heads, would be great implement a function that's completely opens all the valve in…
Tado x thermostat required?
Hi all! Wondering whether i can have Tado x without a wall thermostat, i.e. just the rad valves, a receiver next to the boiler and a bridge to control online/via app? Thanks