Lock for smart thermostat
Hi, Not sure if this has been suggested in the past, however a lock of the smart thermostat for me would be a great idea. I have one in my living room, and my daughter is constantly fiddling with it. On top of this, my sister in law is constantly blasting thw heating up to max when thete is no need. Being able to lock and…
House WIFI and Tado system
Hi. I am confused and cannot seem to find an answer to my question as to if the Tado system does or does not use your home wifi. I have a Tado Bridge connected to my BT router ethernet port, I have a thermostat, and a Wirless receiver near the tank in the loft. If my home WIFI generated by the BT Hub goes down I cannot…
Daikin Heat Pump Compatibility
I am looking for a smart home heating solution and contacted support to assess compatibility for Tado X which states it accommodates under floor systems. Support informed me that Tado X is not compatible with Daikin Altherma R F - EHVH-CB and Daikin ERLQ006CAV3. I would suggest adding compatibility as this is a widely…
Thermostat Receiver not communicating with boiler
Hi there, we had a danfoss receiver installed previously and we replaced it with Tado. We followed the same wiring based on how the danfoss was wired and for a couple of days it was working fine. After 2-3 days the Tado stopped communicating with the boiler and now when we boost the heating on the app or turn on the…
"summer mode" to keep radiator valves open during summer
The problem is: If I connect all the smart radiator thermostats to my zone controller and I don't want to heat any room (because it is summer now) this results in all the radiators being 'closed' (or 'blocked'). This makes the total central heating system volume smaller (since the radiators are essentially cut off from the…
TRV Compatibility
Hi, I have the V3+Thermostat with an additonal stat. I want to add some TRVs. Would the Tado V2 TRVs work with what i have? Thanks
I have a tado smart thermostat and my radiators have smart thermostats.
I have a tado smart thermostat and all but one (the bathroom ) of my radiators have smart thermostats and sometimes the smart thermostat asks for heat when the radiators do not. Consequently the boiler is running to unnecessarily heat the bathroom towel rail. what should I do? I’m thinking the smart thermostat is not…
Feature proposal
Hello I have a Smart Thermostat X from your company and the problem is that it turns on and off too frequently (every 10 minutes). Why don't you add a feature in the app: if I set the room temperature to 23°C, it should go until 23.2°C (or whatever I want, +0.1, +0.2, +0.3) so that the heating system would run much less.…
What happens when last valve closes at the end of heating cycle?
Hi! Setup: all radiators with tado thermostatic valve + thermostat to control the heating start/stop Scenario: heating is on, last thermostatic valve reaches set temp and closes → thermostat should switch the heating off Heater PoV: 'stop' signalled from thermostat so burner goes off, and the water pump kept on until the…
Symbol ?
Anyone know what this symbol represents? Seen a few suggestions …but nothing concrete
SOLVED: tado setup for one boiler with two heating circuits (UFH and radiators)
Slightly odd one perhaps but as I spent quite a bit of time researching whether tado could work for my home's heating setup and didn't find any clear answers I wanted to post for others to see that it is possible -- and how! Original setup: one boiler (Vaillant EcoTec Plus 838 + two heating circuits, one for the underfloor…
New setup with combi, rads and UFH - advice needed
Seeking advice. Have been a happy Tado user with a conventional heating system controlled by smart thermostat and trv’s for radiators and extension kit to add hot water control. Now moving to a combi boiler with radiators and UFH and ideally want to use Opentherm by connecting the extension kit to the boiler to control.…
Need help with tado°
I'd like to describe my newest experience with Tado support. I have some problems with hot domestic water - it gets heated to too high temperature. What feedback I got from Tado representative: "That may be the reason the OT connection is not fully compatible. An installation tado° Smart Thermostat directly to your boiler…
Maximum flow temperature per smart thermostat
Please enable setting max flow temperature per smart thermostat, not per whole central heating system. When smart thermostat controlling underfloor heating calls for heat alone (radiators don't ask for heat) there is no need to heat the system so high. A lot of users have mixed systems (ufh + radiators) so it would be…
Pump not working for hw.
I have just installed V3+ and ch is working fine. However hw is not working because the is no connection from bridge (hw) to the pump. How do I connect the pump so that it doesn’t also turn on the ch? thank you in anticipation jmc
Controlling two radiators in a room
Hi. I have just installed Tado X. I have a room with two radiators, each of which has a wireless smart thermostat X, but there in no wireless temperature sensor X in the room. I want one of the radiator thermostats to control the temperature of both radiators. In the old Tado system, I could set it so that one of the…
Set a working temperature range
In the intelligent programming section there isn't the feature to set a minimum and a maximum temperarture. Currently, you can only set a maximum temperature above which the heating switches off and below which it switches on. It would be nice if you could set a minimum temperature below which the heating is activated and…
Buderus logamax plus gb072 (RC310)
Good day, I want to buy a Tado smart thermostat. I have a gas condensing boiler at home, brand Buderus logamax plus gb072-24k. I already bought one thermostat of another brand, which unfortunately could only On/Off, and I need it to communicate with the boiler also based on changes in the temperature of the circulating…
Wiring Question?
I am trying to connect my wireless receiver x to my boiler. The app says to use X9 block with wire grey and black. The boiler manual says connecitons 1 and 2 are for themeture control and remove the jumper when connecting. The connection on connection 2is a brown wire not black, do i just change the colour im using to…
Has anyone found 'early start' worth persevering with?
Hi, Day 4 of our tado system up and running here. A few teething problems but so far OK. I've done some forum searching now and see the 'early start' function does not get a lot of love! So far the rooms I've had early start activated on (I've followed advice is earlier threads and not used it in smaller rooms - only in…
Cannot get the internet bridge to connect through my TP-link router (EE sim)
I've had a Tado at home for years (bridge and wired thermostat) and never had any problems. We are trying to fit one in a Lodge with a Morco GB24 Series 3 boiler and need a V3 Tado as there's no room thermostat (receiver, bridge and room sensor). The bridge will not connect to the router (TP-Link TL-MR6400 with an EE Sim…
Changing internet provider
I am changing my internet provider do I have to do anything for Taxi to operate
Replacing a Tado wired Smart Thermostat with a Tado Wireless Smart Thermostat
Hi all I currently have a Tado V3+ smart thermostat hard wired to a Tado V3+ Bridge. The location of the thermostat and wiring is historic and due to a remodelling of the house this thermostat is simply in the wrong place. Because of its location the heating is constantly trying bring the heating up to temperature in the…
Summer mode
My son has a Netatmo system and during the summer, the connected valves calibrate every 2 weeks, even when the thermostat is off, so that the thermostatic heads do not get calcified or stuck (which may happen if the valve is fully closed for a couple months). With Tado, I need to take all my programming to put the valves…
Google Nest WiFi Pro and Tado X Thermostat
Just bought 6 tado x thermostats - 2 for each floor. I have ethernet backhaul with google wi fi pro which works great on each floor. But I can not connect to tado x thermostats :( Is it possible to make them work without tado bridge x ? And if it’s not - I think I will return them. I would need need a bridge x for each…
Tado X - Month 2 Review / Feedback Needed.
Hello, Having been a Tado customer for 4-5yrs, and vocal about the lack of additional bridge support for the v2/3 platform, i jumped on the opportunity to upgrade to X to finally solve connectivity issues around my home. Now that i've been using X for 2 months, here is an honest summary of my experience, and some issues…
Replacing BOSS THERM wireless thermostat
Hi I have ordered a Tado Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control and currently have a “BOSS THERM” thermostat and receiver (looks just like a Siemens) connected to a Glow Worm combo boiler. Will it be a easy swap?
wired thermostat - wiring
help wired thermostat Logic Heat 15 Boiler I’m replacing my Therma Wired Thermostat with a Tado wired thermostat, need help with the wiring and set up.
Tado X Wireless thermostat: temperature sensor instead of climate sensor in Home Assistant
I installed my Tado X devices in the Tado App. I have three wireless temperature temperature sensors I want to share to the Matter Server in Home Assistant. The First one works fine, it sees the sensor as a Thermostat device (see below Node 1). And I can control it in Home Assisant with the climate sensor. However the…
My heating is not working, the boiler is saying room thermostat is blocking the heating mode, when you look at taco on my app it looks like it's We working but as I say we have no heating. The boiler has been checked and I've been told it's working fine. Can anyone advise me please