Allow user to turn off partial opening of thermostatic valves
The ability of the thermostatic valves to partially open allows the Tado system to better regulate temperature and avoid overshooting target temperatures. However there is an energy efficiency cost. I live in an old house where many central heating pipes travel through unheated voids in the loft or under floorboards. If I…
toggle switch for schedules
hi there, my suggestion/idea is for a toggle switch for different schedules. my line of work demands that every other week i have a different schedule. one week I work in the morning, I start to work at 7AM, the next week I work afternoon, I start to work at 3PM. And then again in the morning... it would be great having a…
Outdoor temperature/humidity sensor
Why not an outdoor sensor ? It would be nice to have that in the same app and also it could be used to have a better weather adaptation on locations that are not covered.
Smart Schedule overview for all thermostats
It would be great if you could see something like this in the Tado app… See attached example/picture….
Internet Bridge better wifi compatibility and coverage with new wifi standards wifi 6E and wifi7
Internet Bridge and all Tado devices beter wifi compatibility and coverage with new wifi standards wifi 6E and upcoming wifi7. Updates for better software experience.
Full Air-conditioning Control
I have a house in France that I rent out with 5 air Mitsubishi Conditioning units. These units are inverter units so can perform the following tasks: cool,heat,dehumidify, fan, the IR controllers interface looks to of been created by the same guy that invented scientific calculators. Great if you know what you are doing…
Hot water tank stat
When are TADO going to develop, and release a hot water tank intelligent stat that replaces current on/off water tank stat?. This would nicely compliment the central heating and intelligent room stats currently available, and improve the system efficiency.
Switch off bridge LEDs/Extinction des LEDs du bridge
I would liké to Switch off LEDs on bridge. Brigthness IS toi high and it could save energy. Bonjour, J'aimerais pouvoir éteindre les LED du bridge qui éclairent tout mon salon et ça ferait aussi une économie d'énergie. Merci
Foutrapportage - Foutmeldingen van je ketel weergeven in de app (bv. te weinig druk)
Bij mijn huidige thermostaat van Remeha krijg ik foutmeldingen zoals bijvoorbeeld dat er te weinig druk is, of kan ik zien wanneer de brander actief is. Wanneer ik overschakel naar Tado zou ik geen enkele van dergelijke meldingen meer krijgen. Zie ook:…
Users of different categories
I would encourage Tado to introduce users with different categories i.e. one administrator, who makes all smart schedules and other settings, one user category, who can be assigned the role as adminstrator for one room, and one user category, who is read only, but counts in the geofencing. The reason for this is that i…
Gestion de plusieurs maison depuis le même compte
Bonjour, J'utilise le système Tado pour gérer 2 logements, et j'ai été surpris lors de la création de la 2ème installation de ne trouver aucune option pour ajouter cette dernière. Après quelques recherches j'ai trouvé d'autres utilisateurs confronté au même problème, et la seule solution semble être de créer un 2ème compte…
Hot water boost
Hi - just installed tado radiator thermostats and a hot water and thermostat- so now fully invested in the tado system. The only thing we are really obviously missing is a 30 min, 60 min , 90 min hot water boost which then switches back to programme afterwards. Would really love to see this otherwise likely will switch…
Colour code on air to air pump modes
The modes on the smart ac3, is colored blue for all modes except for heating, a small thing, but in fan mode it is confusing, as it is not cooling but just transfering air, make it light green so it is different from cold
Set max heating water temperature from the app.
This is essential for all hybrid heat pump installations.
Display battery status prominently on app
I have 1 tado thermostat in a property which is sometimes left empty, and I’m generally very pleased with it. However I recently received a message informing me that the batteries were running low. It would be an improvement to have the battery status prominently displayed on the app, rather than hidden in the menus, so…
chaudière en sécurité
bonjour. ma chaudière électrique ortli cer s'est mise en sécurité car il n'y avait plus assez de pression dans le circuit d'eau ( circuit avec radiateur). le thermostat v3+ ne m'a jamais prévenu que la chaudière ne chauffait plus ni même que la chaudière se trouvait en sécurité. Serait-il possible que l'appli ou le…
Geen functie/symbool gebruik warm kraanwater op thermostaat
Volgens bijgaand artikel van support heeft de slimme thermostaat een symbool voor warm water productie. https://support.tado.com/nl/articles/3387237-wat-betekenen-de-symbolen-op-het-display-van-de-slimme-thermostaat-of-de-draadloze-temperatuursensor Op mijn (recent geplaatste) thermostaat krijg ik dit echter niet op mijn…
Avoiding sticking pins in thermostatic radiator valves
The pins in TRVs often stick in the closed position if the valve is left closed too long - such as over summer. Pre-Tado, I used to open the valves fully for the summer so that the first action at the start of the heating season was to force the pin down rather than rely on the spring to open it up. This avoids the…
Support for multi-zone UFH manifolds
The current integration with underfloor systems appears to be limited to single zone systems without zone actuators. A lot of UFH system are UFH downstairs with radiators upstairs. The UFH system typically have more than one zone with actuators per zone and a shared pump. Currently, I can get a multi-zone UFH management…
Black or Anthracite thermostat
Are there any plans to bring out a black or anthracite grey colour for the actual thermostats. I am fitting three anthracite radiators into a new kitchen and would prefer a more suitable colour than white.
New development idea - define a maximum upper temperature
Hi, I like very much your products and have 2 of your thermostats installed in my house. But there is one functionality I really miss ..., hence this note. You probably already thought about it but just in case, here you go: within current context of very expensive energy you certainly have customers willing to LIMIT the…
Humidity notification
Tado keeps also track of humidity percentage in the room, it would be useful to receive a notification when it reaches a certain percentage so that I can open the windows and clear some hair.
Boiler Switch On Activity
Having several rooms disconnected (independent) from the boiler it's not possible to know which room has activated the boiler and for how long. Just like the report for each room showing the heating statistics, it would be great to has the same for the boiler. It would show what time the boiler switched on and off, and…
More than one tariff rate in energy IQ
Would it be so difficult to have more than one tariff rate? I have 2 tariff rates. One rate for the first 2kwh and another for the rest over 2kwh. So the costs costs shown in energy iq are not accurate at all.
Bridge connectivity
As with many people on the forum, I have had connectivity issues in a house with the router and bridge at one end of the house. In the end, I had to return some sensors back to a non TADO alternative. I have just found that a tp-link powerline adaptor AV 1000, would allow the bridge to be connected remotely to the router.…
Worcester Bosch digital connection for 2000/4000/8000 series boilers
New wireless controller; https://uk.installers-shop.tado.com/products/wireless-smart-thermostat-starter-kit-v3-eu-version can you please add EBUS communication with the combi/system boilers to support modulation, since these are one of the most popular boilers available in the UK with modulation its stupid not to have the…
Boost heating until custom temperature is met
Hi, I would like to suggest a custom feature that. Currently when you boost heating it keeps going until the temp hits 25 or is turned off. I suggest you should be able to boost the temperature to a custom defined temp such as 21 or 22 degrees. Many thanks Neil
User configuration of "Early Start"
It would be good, if WE could set how long it takes for OUR ROOMS to heat by 1˚c (each room should have it own setting), then early start may actually be useful. Time to heat by 1˚c: 0hrs 30mins So if the room has a target temperature of 19˚c, and the current temperature is 16˚c, early start would kick in 1 hr 30 mins…
Heat hot water on return home
Idea: I have my hot water set to heat 2x per day - 1 in morning and 1 in afternoon Sometimes I’m out in the afternoon when my water is scheduled to heat. An awesome feature would be, if I’m out when the schedule block occurs, and geo fencing means my water is turned off, when I return home again the water should be heated…
Restore single tap for manually override
Hi, In a recent app release (maybe 7.0.0) the ability to single tap to set a manual schedule was removed. Please bring it back! Before this was removed, it was possible to tap on the HW switch or room slider which would invoke a manual schedule that could then be edited and adjusted. Since the change, it's now necessary…