Tado with Veismann weather compensation
I would be grateful if someone can put me right on the following. I have a new boiler being installed on Wednesday. It is a Veissmann 100 with weather compensation module. I have been told that my existing Tado system will work OK with this but only if Tado is in "relay" or "on/off" mode. I believe that is what I have (it…
Why are my radiators hot when heating is off
My radiators are hot but heating is off
Meter readings
Around 18 months ago we had our electricity meter changed to a smart meter. The TADO problems that followed were : 1, it wasn’t possible to enter the meter readings for the new meter so I had to calculate how many kWh we had used that day and add it to the original meter reading. 2. This manipulation worked well until the…
What to do with old wireless thermostat?
Old Receiver/Programmer: Drayton LP722 Old Thermostat: Neomitis RT7RF I've just completed the installation using the Tado guide on the app, and replace the Drayton LP722 with Tado Wireless Receiver. Only after installation did I notice that the boiler also had a wireless thermostat. Can I just leave this? Is there anything…
Un termostato utilizzabile sia come riscaldamento che come raffrescamento, come accensione per PDC
Buongiorno, sarebbe utile realizzare un termostato che permetta la gestione sia del riscaldamento che del raffrescamento. Sempre con contatti puliti COM e NO. In modo che, in base alla stagione lui permetta di avere range temperatura da 5 a 25 per riscaldamento e da 16 a 30 per raffrescamento. Sarebbe utile semplicemente…
Room thermostat very loose in mount
I've just fitted a Tado system and noticed how ridiculously loose the room thermostat is in its wall mount. It just sort of sits on the mount and could quite easily be knocked off when cleaning/dusting the living room. Is this normal? I was expecting it to clip into the mount. I'll use a bit of blutack inside the mount to…
Underfloor heating issue
Hi, can anyone help please I have new underfloor heating in the kitchen and rads in the rest of the house. I had a spare smart wired thermostat and thought this would be ideal for the UF heating. The live from the underfloor heating pump is in the COM port of the smart thermostat and the switched live is in the NO port.…
Tado X breaking API changes
Folks, Enjoying Tado X, but it's not compatible with the current API. All good, in looking at the app, the hops endpoint is perfect - alas, when we follow your guidance to use the public api client ID; the token it returns does not work on the hops.tado.com endpoint, returning 401. Using the web client ID and secret work…
Tado X keeps boiler heating way above target temperature?
Hello, I have a Tado X wired thermostat, I own an OpenTherm boiler. My thermostat was set to 19C. I just got home, and found out it was 26C in my house. My thermostat kept regular temperature until 6PM today, which turned on the heating continuously until I came home and had to reset the thermostat (by holding the middle…
Can i replace tado wired thermostat with tado wired receiver
My current setup is tado Wireless temperature sensor sends command to Tado wired thermostat. Now can I replace the tado-wired thermostat with tado-wired receiver ( the horizontal box). As I planned to giveaway tado thermostat.
What products do I need?
Hi I ek wondered if people could advise as I don't really understand the website. We're looking to purchase the tado system so that we can control the temperature in 7 rooms in our house. They all have 1 radiator except for the sitting room which has 2. The majority of the radiators are Bulldog valves which I believe are…
Tepeo Zero Emission boiler
Energy monitoring accuracy? now that Tado energy meter readings are including whole house not just the new Tepeo electric boiler. By the way Tepeo and Tado work well together.
My heating won’t come on.
I’ve just moved into a new house which has Tado V3+ Wireless Smart Thermostat installed. The display on the wall thermostat seems to be working fine, I’ve started using the app and that seems to be working/syncing to the wall thermostat. However when I dial up the temperature to turn the heating on, the boiler isn’t coming…
Replace Nu Heat controller and Thermostat
Hello I have a Nu Heat / Heatmiser TM4 time clock controller and 2 thermostats in zones for my underfloor heading. I have already installed Tado wireless v3+ with smart thermostat & 8 smart TRV’s on radiators. Do I leave the time clock controller in place and replace with 2 wired Tado smart thermostats to add the…
Central heating and hot water do not appear to be working/connected
I installed under floor heating thermostats they appear to be working as expected. However after installing 5 radiator thermostats and calibrating them they do not work. There are no faults reported and everything is connected and at 100%. When I switch on the hot water the wireless receiver light comes on as does the…
Why is my boiler still on?
Please see screen shot of the app. I have turned off the schedule/heating. So why is my boiler still operating? The bathroom is the temperature sensor module that comes with the starter kit, the other rooms are TRVs. Up until now, I have had 2 years trouble free operation. Thank you.
Hot to switch off hot water for summer
Hi. The App allows me to turn off all the radiators until I resume. How do I do this for the hot water as I have alternative hot water heating over the summer? Each time I turn it off it resumes at next scheduled ON time. Tried to turn on AWAY model but this keeps reverting to HOME. I have altered the hot water schedule to…
Tado Valves - Can you configure them just to open and close and NOT control the boiler?
In my house I have three radiators (downstairs) without TRVs. So my concern is if I put Tado radiator valves say in the bedrooms upstairs, and one room decides it wants to be warmer, the Tado valve will tell the boiler to come on, meaning not just that room will get warmer, but significant areas downstairs will too (as the…
Tado with a smart plug
Hi, we have an electric heater plugged into a standard 240v supply. Can Tado be installed without a boiler/heating system? I’m looking to use IFTTT to retrieve the current and desired temperature from a smart thermostat then activate a smart plug action to turn the socket on or off. Thanks
Radiator Fans
Hi Could you look at the possibility of add on-product such as a radiator fan kit... fans that clip under the radiator, controlled by the Tado valve, so when valve turns on, the fans help circulate the air around the radiator?... this would make a great add-on to Tado and help make it stand out from the other smart valve…
Using Wired Stat Wirelessly
I'm thinking of adding another room stat to my set up. I could obviously use a wireless sensor, but does anyone happen to know whether the wired room stat, when not used as the zone controller (but merely as a sensor with the zone controller being the existing wireless receiver), still 'relay clicks' on and off, or is it…
Pairing issues
I have a wireless temp sensor that I cannot pair with my bridge, I have bought 2nd hand and was told it's de-registered. Will it pair before the wireless receiver is commissioned on the boiler and could this be preventing the pairing? Cheers
Urgent phone call required
Normally closed contact on receiver is permanently 0 Volts. Normally open contact is permanently 240Volts regardless of central heating being selected or not. Hot water normally closed contact is 240 volts but I cannot select this option on the receiver as the override doesn’t seem to work Can sonevody call me asap an…
Followed wiring diagram all started now just keeps tripping receiver and boiler out please help many thanks
Difference between thermostat and sensor
Sorry being a bit slow tonight but what's the difference between the temperature sensor and a room thermostat? I already have the wireless starter kit installed but want to have another device (not TRVs) for back room?
Heating still on
Why is my heating still on even though the temperature inside is higher than set point
How to regain control of tado app?
Hi All, I have tenants at my property where my tado is set up. When they moved in, I gave them access to my Tado username & password for them to login. Soon they removed me out of my own account. There was probably a better way to do all this than to give my own username, so my fault in hindsight. They have now moved out…
Can't set a CH setpoint temperature
Hello everybody, I've got a tado smart thermostat and a set of 5 tvrs. The thermostat is connected digitally to a Chaffoteaux PIGMA ADVANCE EXT 25 via a digital bus (D57). I can control everything, including the hot water but I have no clue on how to control the CH setpoint temperature. If I disconnect the thermostat and I…
Hot water not always working
Hi, we have Tado and a system boiler with tank. The hot water is set to come on twice a day (morning and evening) but occasionally one or the other will fail (or seem to fail - we have no hot water) - is there a reason why this might be happening?
Fix bug where manual timer for heating changes does not work
Expected behaviour: GIVEN a room has a timer set for ‘Manual control on Tado device’ under settings/rooms and devices AND the room is currently running its standard schedule (ie there is not a manual adjustment currently running) WHEN the user makes a manual adjustment to the temperature for that room THEN the manual…